StepTogether IV.


University of Miskolc submitted the StepTogether IV. – History and Hungarian Heritage for migrant children project (EIA/2012/1.1.3.) on 14th June 2012 for the invitation to the tender of the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals launched by the Ministry of Interior of Hungary (BM/4747-1/2012).

The project’s main field of activity is improving the education of migrant children and young adults as specified in council decision 2007/435/EC: “aiming at introducing newly-arrived third-country nationals to the host society” (to avoid underachievement and dropout among migrant children).

The purpose of the project is to work out CLIL-based learning aids (in History and Hungarian Heritage) of L2 Hungarian for migrant students aged between 10 and 15.
The project is carried out from 1st February 2013 to 31th December 2013.


Indicators of the project

Target amount

CLIL-based learning aids of L2 Hungarian
in History (grades 5–8) and Hungarian Heritage
Manual for Teachers
Lexical Matrix


Migration and Language Conference

35 participants

Dissemination, conference paper, monograph

University course 2
University students in the course 30 students
Migrant students taking part in the program 50 students

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